Product Properties


Requires product access scope.

Product properties

idstringThe ID of the product.
titlestringThe title of the product, limited to 1-255 characters
briefstringSubtitle, limited to 600 characters
descriptionstringDescription, supports rich text editing
publishedbooleanReturns true if the product is published. Returns false if not.
requires_shippingbooleanReturns true if the product needs shipping. Returns false if not.
taxablebooleanReturns true if taxes should be charged on the product. Returns false if not.
tagsstringThe tags of the product, separated by commas
vendorstringThe vendor of the product, limited to 100 characters
vendor_urlstringThe vendor URL of the product, limited to 1000 characters
inventory_quantityintegerTotal inventory quantity of the product, sum of all variants' inventory_quantity.
published_atstringDate and time for when the product was published, formatted as ISO-8601
created_atstringCreation time, formatted as ISO-8601
updated_atstringLast modification time, formatted as ISO-8601
notestringNote, limit of 500 characters.
seo_titlestringSEO title, limit of 5000 characters.
seo_descriptionstringSEO description, limit of 5000 characters.
seo_keywordsstringSEO keywords, separated by commas.
handlestringSEO handle
has_only_default_variantbooleanWhether it is a single style
inventory_trackingbooleanWhether to track inventory
inventory_policystringRequired when inventory_tracking is set to true.
The following options are available:

- continue: Continue selling when out of stock
- deny: Stop selling when out of stock
- auto_unpublished: Set as draft when out of stock
need_variant_imageboolVariant image required, when need_variant_image is true.
spustringProduct SPU (Standard Product Unit)
display_fake_salesboolProduct sales = current real sales + virtual sales, when display_fake_sales is true.
fake_salesintegerVirtual sales
optionsarray of objectProduct styles, supports up to three styles. Required when has_only_default_variant is set to false.
option.namestringOption name, e.g., color
option.valuesarray of stringValues supported by the variant, e.g., red
imageimage Main product image
imagesarray of imageProduct images, the first image uploaded when creating the product will be set as the main product image by default.
variantsarray of variantThe variants of the product.
categoryCategoryThe category of the product.


idintegerThe ID of the category. eg: 368313940138040910
namestringCategory name
google_idintegerGoogle category id
levelintegerLevel of category
pathstringThe full path of a category, consisting of a category id. eg: 368313940138008142,368313940138024526,368313940138040910


  "product": {
    "id": "4c8d6a4a-f4d6-4f65-b5f3-49b500669401",
    "title": "shirt-2",
    "brief": "shirt",
    "description": "Good shirt",
    "published": false,
    "requires_shipping": true,
    "taxable": true,
    "tags": "s1,s2",
    "vendor": "shoplazza",
    "vendor_url": "",
    "inventory_quantity": 82,
    "published_at": null,
    "created_at": "2024-04-17T02:39:05Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-04-17T02:39:05Z",
    "note": "",
    "seo_title": "seo-title",
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    "handle": "shirt-2",
    "has_only_default_variant": false,
    "inventory_tracking": true,
    "inventory_policy": "continue",
    "need_variant_image": true,
    "spu": "T-S",
    "fake_sales": 10,
    "display_fake_sales": true,
    "mixed_wholesale": false,
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        "updated_at": "2024-04-17T02:39:05Z",
        "title": "S-red-T",
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        "wholesale_price": [
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            "min_quantity": 1