get https://{shopdomain}
The Collect List API allows you to retrieve a list of collects based on the specified query parameters. It enables you to filter collects by collection_id or product_id and paginate the results using page and limit parameters. This endpoint is ideal for managing the relationships between products and collections.
Response Explanation
Collect Response Fields
Status Code | Message | Possible Reason | Example Response |
400 | Bad Request | Invalid input format or request structure (e.g., missing required fields or incorrect data types). | Bad Request |
Unauthorized | The request is missing valid authentication credentials or the credentials provided are invalid. | Unauthorized | |
422 | Invalid or empty product_id or collection_id | missing required product_id , collection_id , or with incorrect UUID types | { "errors": [ "CollectionID must be a valid UUID", "ProductID must be a valid UUID"]} |
product_id not found | The provided product_id does not exist in the database. | { "errors": [ "ProductID must be a valid UUID"]} | |
Invalid pagination parameters | The page or limit parameters are not valid (e.g., page <= 0 , limit <= 0 ). | { "errors": [ "Page must be greater than 0", "Limit must be greater than 0"] } |