access scope. For more access scope
The Product List API allows developers to retrieve detailed product data with advanced filtering, pagination, and field selection capabilities. This endpoint supports querying by product attributes such as title, ids, and vendors, as well as by specific date ranges for creation, updates, or publication.This API is especially useful for:
Managing large product catalogs efficiently through advanced filtering and pagination.
Optimizing data retrieval by selecting only the required fields, reducing response payload size.
Note: The operation is scoped to a specific shop, identified by its unique domain prefix (shopdomain), ensuring all updates are applied to the correct store.
Public Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Parameter Location | Parameter Value | Description |
Access-Token | String | Yes | Header | Bx-_5aV eXNwl-4AB98s5xLV yg0fNzGf MuTpqtlBA | Used to authenticate API requests. Obtain an access token from the Access Token Guide. Pass it in the Authorization header for every request. |
Content-Type | String | Yes | Header | application /json | Indicates the media type of the request body. It tells the server how to parse the request and the client how to interpret the response. For more details, visit Content-Type. |
Public Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Mandatory | Parameter Location | Example Value | Description |
error | String | No | Response Body | { "error": "store is not active" } | Indicates an error encountered during the process. This field typically appears when the Access Token is missing or invalid. Example: { "error": "store is not active" } . |
errors | Array | No | Response Body | { "errors"["No Context"] } | A list of errors that occurred during the request processing. Example: { "errors": [ "No Context" ] } . |
Request-Id | String | Yes | Header | Bx-_5aV eXNwl-4AB98s5xLV yg0fNzGf MuTpqtlBA | A unique identifier for each request. It helps in identifying and debugging specific requests. |
Error and Errors Clarification:
Added explanation that the error and errors fields are currently dependent on the API implementation, with plans for future unification.
Request Parameters
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
ids | string | No | 9e79ca1f- 9ff2-409b- 976f-98be34 3d38a3 | Product IDs, separated by commas. For example, id1,id2,id3 . Use this to filter by specific product IDs. |
title | string | No | Stylish Shirt | Filter products by their title. Allows partial matching. |
collection_id | string | No | 9e79ca1f -9ff2-409b- 976f-98be3 43d38a3 | The Collection ID uniquely identifies a group of products within a collection. It shows the collections which contains the product. |
created_at_min | string | No | 2018-10-01T 16:15:47-04:00 | Filter products created at or after the specified date. Format: ISO 8601. |
created_at_max | string | No | 2018-10-01T 16:15:47-04:00 | Filter products created at or before the specified date. Format: ISO 8601. |
updated_at_min | string | No | 2018-10-01T 16:15:47-04:00 | Filter products updated at or after the specified date. Format: ISO 8601. |
updated_at_max | string | No | 2018-10-01T 16:15:47-04:00 | Filter products updated at or before the specified date. Format: ISO 8601. |
published_at_min | string | No | 2018-10-01T 16:15:47-04:00 | Filter products published at or after the specified date. Format: ISO 8601. |
published_at_max | string | No | 2018-10-01T 16:15:47-04:00 | Filter products published at or before the specified date. Format: ISO 8601. |
published_status | string | No | published orunpublished | Filter products by their publication status. Options: published , unpublished , or any . |
spus | string | No | spu1,spu2 | Product SPUs, separated by commas. Use this to filter by specific SPUs. |
cursor | string | No | c1d5b 2a3-fab 1-4e26 -8582-75 d3b267 7042 | Cursor for pagination. Use this parameter to fetch the next set of results. |
pre_cursor | string | No | c1d5b 2a3-fa b1-4e26 -8582 -75d3b26 77042 | Cursor for pagination. Use this parameter to fetch the previous set of results. |
per_page | int32 | No | 50 | Number of results per page. Maximum value: 250 . |
fields | string | No | title,id | Comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. Reduces response size by excluding unnecessary fields. |
vendors | string | No | vendor1,vendor2 | Filter products by exact vendor names. Multiple vendor names should be separated by commas. |
vendors_match | string | No | ab | Filter products by vendors using prefix matching. For example, if vendor is "abcd" , "a" , "ab" , "abc" will match, but "bc" will not. |
Response Explanation
Successful Response
Field | Type | Example | Description |
cursor | string | MjAyNC0wNC0xN1Qw MjoxNToxOFojYTFhOD hiZTAtYTFkNC0 0N2U0LWEyZjItYmE2 ZTEzMWNmNDQ3 | Cursor for the next page of results. |
pre_cursor | string | MjAyNC0wNC0xN1Qw MjoxNToxOFojYTFhOD hiZTAtYTFkNC0 0N2U0LWEyZjItYmE2 ZTEzMWNmNDQ3 | Cursor for the previous page of results. |
products | array | array of product object | List of products matching the query. | | string | a1a88be0-a1d4-47 e4-a2f2-ba6e131cf447 | Unique identifier for the product. |
products.title | string | shirt | The title of the product. |
products.brief | string | shirt | Short description or summary of the product. |
products.description | string | <p>Desc</p> | Full description of the product, typically HTML formatted. |
products.published | boolean | false | Indicates whether the product is published. |
products.requires_shipping | boolean | true | Indicates whether the product requires shipping. |
products.taxable | boolean | true | Indicates whether the product is taxable. |
products.tags | string | s1-s2 | Tags associated with the product, separated by commas. |
products.vendor | string | shoplazza | Vendor name of the product. |
products.vendor_url | string | | URL of the vendor. |
products.inventory_quantity | integer | 72 | Available inventory quantity for the product. |
products.created_at | string | 2024-04-17T02:15:18Z | Timestamp when the product was created. |
products.updated_at | string | 2024-04-17T02:15:35Z | Timestamp when the product was last updated. |
products.published_at | string | 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z | Timestamp when the product was published. |
products.image | object | Object containing image details. | Main image object for the product. |
products.image.src | string | // ccf0794c594bad3 2a320eea0d6bfe40c.jpeg | URL of the main product image. |
products.image.width | integer | 174 | Width of the image in pixels. |
products.image.height | integer | 180 | Height of the image in pixels. |
products.options | array | Array of option objects. | List of product options (e.g., size, color). | | string | size | Name of the option (e.g., size, color). |
products.options.values | array | ["S", "L"] | Possible values for the option. |
products.variants | array | Array of variant objects. | List of variants for the product. | | string | 88e68830-4ef5- 4125-bf7d-aef8 047176b2 | Unique identifier for the variant. |
products.variants.title | string | S-blue-T | Title of the variant, typically a combination of option values. |
products.variants. option1 | string | S | First option value for the variant. |
products.variants. option2 | string | blue | Second option value for the variant. |
products.variants. option3 | string | T | Third option value for the variant (if applicable). |
products.variants. price | string | 10.10 | Price of the variant. |
products.variants. compare_at_price | string | 12.10 | Original price of the variant before discount. |
products.variants. inventory_quantity | integer | 10 | Available inventory for the variant. |
products.variants. image | object | Object containing image details. | Associated image for the variant. |
products.variants. image.src | string | // ccf0794c594bad32a 320eea0d6bfe40c.jpeg | URL of the variant image. |
products.variants. extend | object | Object containing extend details. | Additional details like dimensions and origin country. |
products.variants. extend.length | integer | 10 | Length of the variant in specified units. |
products.variants. extend.width | integer | 10 | Width of the variant in specified units. |
products.variants. extend.height | integer | 10 | Height of the variant in specified units. |
products.variants. extend.dimension_unit | string | in | Unit of measurement for dimensions (e.g., cm , in ). |
products.variants. extend.origin_country_code | string | AG | Country of origin for the product. |
products.variants.extend. hs_code | string | 62114390 | Harmonized System (HS) code for the product. |
Error Response
Error responses in the API can be represented using two different fields: errors
and error
. Both fields provide details about issues encountered during request processing. Below is an explanation of the fields with their respective examples and descriptions.
Field | Type | Example | Description |
errors | Array | ["Context"] | A list of errors encountered during the request processing. |
Field | Type | Example | Description |
error | String | "store is not active" | Indicates an error encountered during the process. |
Request Examples
curl -X POST " \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-d '{
"product": {
"title": "Stylish Shirt",
"brief": "A stylish shirt.",
"description": "",
"published": true,
"requires_shipping": true,
"taxable": true,
"tags": "shirt,stylish,cotton",
"vendor": "Awesome Vendor",
"vendor_url": "",
"inventory_quantity": 300,
"note": "Special promotion item.",
"seo_title": "Buy Stylish Shirt Online",
"seo_description": "Premium cotton",
"seo_keywords": "shirt, cotton, stylish",
"handle": "stylish-shirt-zbxf",
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Success Response Example
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"updated_at": "2024-04-17T02:15:35Z",
"title": "L-red-T",
"option1": "L",
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"image": {
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"width": 174,
"height": 180,
"path": "ccf0794c594bad32a320eea0d6bfe40c.jpeg",
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"price": "10.10",
"sku": "T-M-L-red-T-A001010",
"barcode": "6929000212340",
"note": "node",
"inventory_quantity": 10,
"weight": "1.10",
"weight_unit": "kg",
"cost_price": "1.10",
"wholesale_price": [
"price": "10.10",
"min_quantity": 1
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"height": 10,
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"origin_country_code": "AQ",
"hs_code": "62114390"
"id": "cbd7a7b0-5dd7-4902-9466-e21bd02688b4",
"product_id": "a1a88be0-a1d4-47e4-a2f2-ba6e131cf447",
"image_id": "8ef098c5-5a08-44b4-b5fb-89214bb507dc",
"created_at": "2024-04-17T02:15:18Z",
"updated_at": "2024-04-17T02:15:35Z",
"title": "L-red-S",
"option1": "L",
"option2": "red",
"option3": "S",
"image": {
"src": "//",
"width": 174,
"height": 180,
"path": "ccf0794c594bad32a320eea0d6bfe40c.jpeg",
"alt": ""
"position": 8,
"compare_at_price": "12.10",
"price": "10.10",
"sku": "T-M-L-red-S-A001011",
"barcode": "6929000212340",
"note": "node",
"inventory_quantity": 10,
"weight": "1.10",
"weight_unit": "kg",
"cost_price": "1.10",
"wholesale_price": [
"price": "10.10",
"min_quantity": 1
"extend": {
"length": 10,
"width": 10,
"height": 10,
"dimension_unit": "in",
"origin_country_code": "DZ",
"hs_code": "62114390"
"vendor": "shoplazza",
"vendor_url": ""
Error Response Example
"errors": [
"Title is required"
{"errors": ["No context"]}
Error Details
Status Code | Message | Possible Reason | Example Response |
422 | failed verification: the published status is invalid | The published_status provided is not one of the allowed values. | {"errors": ["failed verification: the published status is invalid"]} |
created_at_min time format error | The created_at_min field is not in a valid time format.(e.g., not ISO8601). | {"errors": [" created_at_min time format error""]} | |
created_at_max time format error | The updated_at_max field is not in a valid time format.(e.g., not ISO8601). | {"errors": ["created_at_max time format error"]} | |
published_at_max time format error | The published_at_max field is not in a valid time format.(e.g., not ISO8601). | {"errors": ["published_at_max time format error"]} | |
published_at_min time format error | The published_at_min field is not in a valid time format.(e.g., not ISO8601). | {"errors": ["published_at_min time format error"]} | |
update_at_min time format error | The update_at_min field is not in a valid time format.(e.g., not ISO8601). | {"errors": ["update_at_min time format error"]} | |
update_at_max time format error | The update_at_max field is not in a valid time format.(e.g., not ISO8601). | {"errors": ["update_at_min time format error"]} | |
Invalid cursor or pre_cursor type | |||
500 | no_context | Missing Context | {"errors": ["No context"]} |