App listing

The app listing is your calling card - it helps merchants find your app and understand how it can help them run their businesses. Your listing explains the features, user interface, and functionality of your app. Your listing should clearly communicate functionality and pricing so that merchants can quickly understand the benefits of your app.

Writing a Shoplazza App Store listing

The app listing is your first point of contact with a merchant, and it's where they'll look to see if your app is right for them. All approved public apps have a listing on the Shoplazza App Store.

The listing is often your biggest marketing tool — an effective app listing encourages Shoplazza merchants to try your app for themselves. Make sure that your app listing is clear, and that it answers the questions that a potential user might have.

The app listing submission form lets you do the following:

  • highlight app features so merchants can easily see what your app can do for them

Follow these requirements and guidelines when you're filling out the app submission form to make sure that merchants can easily find your app, understand what they can use it for, and see how much it costs.



The Shoplazza logo must not be used in any of the graphic elements of your app listing, such as your app icon.

Translate your app listing

If your app is available in multiple languages, then you can also make your app listing available in those languages to help your app reach a wider audience. You can add and delete app listings for any of the supported languages on the Shoplazza App Store.

Certain listing details can be managed only on your primary listing. If you have created translated listings for your app, then you can choose which one to set as your primary listing.



You should create translated listings only for languages that your app supports. Any translated listings that you create for languages that your app doesn't support will be removed from the Shoplazza App Store.

Before you can submit your app for review, you need to make sure there are no issues with any translated listings you've added. When there are no issues, you can submit all your translated listings by clicking Submit app.

App information



App listings must be free of inappropriate content and merchant data.

App listing name and subtitle

Your app listing name is an important part of how you brand yourself to merchants and how they refer to your app. Follow these requirements when deciding on an app name:

  • The app listing name can't include the word "Shoplazza".

  • The app listing name must be 40 characters or fewer.

  • The app listing name can't be a generic description of your app's functionality, such as "Banner Slider", Your app name should be short and distinct.

  • The app listing name can't include the name of your Shoplazza Partner account. For example, your app name can't be "App name by Shoplazza Partner account name". By default, we provide a "by Shoplazza Partner account name" suffix to your app name on the Shoplazza App Store.

  • Your subtitle should be unique and summarize your app to help promote it. Your tagline can't contain "Shoplazza" or the name of your Shoplazza Partner account.

App listing icon

You can add and update your app icon from the app submission form. When making your app icon, follow these guidelines:

  • The app icon's dimensions should be 150px by 150px.

  • Don't include text in your app icon.

  • Don't include screenshots or photographs in your app icon.

  • Use padding around your app icon. Your logo shouldn't touch the edge of the image.

  • Keep the corners square. The image's corners are automatically rounded when it's displayed.

  • Use bold colors and recognizable patterns.

  • Make it simple and focus on one or two elements. Visual clutter can make an image less effective.

App details

Detailed description

The Detailed description field gives you 2800 characters to tell merchants all about your app. This field supports a limited set of Markdown formatting options. Markdown is simpler to use and less error-prone than HTML because it requires fewer tags.

The following table lists supported formatting options and the corresponding Markdown notation to use:

Title## This is a title
Ordered (numbered) list item1.1. Ordered list item 1
2. Ordered list item 2
Unordered (bulleted) list item** Unordered list item 1
* Unordered list item 2

You can toggle between the Edit and Preview tabs to see how your description will be displayed in the app listing.

Your app detailed description should describe your app's features at a high level. When creating your app detailed description, follow these guidelines:

  • Remove references to your other apps and services from your app detailed description.

  • Don’t list your competitors in your app detailed description.

  • Explain each of your app's key features in detail. Merchants want to know what your app is capable of doing for their store.

  • Don't use special characters or emojis in your description.

  • Don't include testimonials in the detailed description.

  • Don't use personal merchant information without consent from the merchant.

  • Don't include links and URLs in the detailed description. The submission form lets you provide links to your website's homepage, your FAQ page, and your pricing information, where you can host whatever additional information.

  • Don't include support information such as emails and phone numbers in your detailed description. Support information should be included in contact information.

  • Don't include data or statistics in your detailed description since Shoplazza can't confirm this data. Feel free to share this information on your website and landing pages.

  • Don't mention Shoplazza competitors except in specific cases (Example: If your app is mentioning how it migrates data from other platforms to Shoplazza).

Key benefits

This section lets you highlight three key benefits that your app offers to merchants. You can include a brief description about the problem that each benefit solves.

Make sure to use this space to speak to the merchant's needs, not the specifics of how a particular feature works. You can talk about specific features in the Detailed description section.

Here are some examples of how you can write an app feature as a benefit that will appeal to merchants:

App featureKey benefit
Reports that use push technology so they're never out of dateData when you need it

Get your real-time sales data all in one view
WYSIWYG editor for creating reusable email templatesSpend less time writing emails

Quickly and easily create reusable email templates
30 different chart options, including bar charts, line graphs, scatterplotsEasy-to-read charts

Spot trends easily with graphically displayed data


In the Screenshots section, you must provide screenshots to show what your user interface looks like in action. Screenshots provide an opportunity to visually share what your app does in the storefront or the Shoplazza Store admin.

Follow these guidelines when you're preparing screenshots:

  • Provide alt text for all images for accessibility and to improve SEO.

  • Don't use a merchant's personal information without consent in the images. This includes information like store names, phone numbers, and URLs.

  • Add annotations or highlighting to draw attention to important elements, such as any links that your app inserts in the Shoplazza Store admin.

  • If you add text annotations, then localize and translate the text for every language that your app listing is available in.

  • Each screenshot's dimensions should be 1600px by 900px (16:9) for desktop.

  • Include between 3-6 screenshots of your app on desktop.

  • Include at least one screenshot of your app's user interface.

  • Provide alt text for all images for accessibility and to improve SEO.

  • Don't include desktop backgrounds and browser windows in your screenshots. Crop them so your images aren't cluttered and don't distract merchants from your app.

  • If your app is embedded, then don't include Shoplazza Store admin header content in your screenshots, such as the store name, the search bar, or any user information. You can include the left-hand navigation.

Promotional video

You can add a promotional video for the App listing. A promotional video isn't mandatory, but we recommend including one to help show merchants more about your app in a highly visible area of your listing.

A short promotional video is the best way to showcase the impact of the app on the business and how customers experience the app.

A promotional video should promote the core features and functionality of your app and how it interacts with Shoplazza Store. Merchants want to understand what to expect from your app and how it will help them run their businesses. An effective promotional video will encourage the merchant to take a deeper look through your app listing to learn more about the features that were introduced in the video.

Follow these guidelines when making your promotional video:

  • The promotional video should be no longer than 2-3 minutes.

  • Don't include long screencasts of someone using the application. Up to 25% of the promotional video can use screencasts for demoing features, but the promotional video should be promotional, not instructional.

  • Be mindful of any third-party logos or elements that you include in the promotional video to avoid potential trademark issues.

  • Choose an eye-catching thumbnail that will make merchants want to watch the promotional video to learn more.

Contact information

Contact information is an important part of your app listing. The information you enter here helps merchants learn more about your app and contact you with questions or issues. Shoplazza also uses this information to contact you about your app submission.

Sales and support

Email (required)

This is the email that merchants will use to contact you if they have support questions.

Privacy policy URL (Optional)

Data and user privacy is extremely important to merchants, and they value Partners who take security seriously.

Website URL (Optional)

Having a website that gives more information about your app can help merchants to decide if they want to install it. This URL needs to be set to the landing page of your developer website. If the URL goes to a special promotional page, then you'll be asked to change it.

FAQ URL (Optional)

This is a great opportunity to answer frequently asked questions in detail to merchants. This URL must redirect the merchant to a dedicated FAQ page on your website. If the URL redirects to a cloud document or PDF, then you'll be asked to change it.