Information about the store, such as the store address, the total number of products, and various settings.
Properties | Type | Description |
address | string | The address of the store. |
cdn_domain | string | The CDN URL. |
contactEmail | string | The service email of the store. |
currency | string | The currency of the store. |
currency_code | string | Same as currency . |
currency_symbol | string | The currency symbol of the store. |
default_img | string | The default placeholder image. |
description | string | The description of the store. |
domain | string | The primary domain of the store. |
email | string | The sender email of the store. |
enabled_payment_types | an array of string | The accepted payment types in the store. |
enabled_payment_resources | an array of string | The accepted payment resources in the store. |
favicon | string | The favicon URL of the store. |
finance_symbol | string | Same as currency_symbol . |
id | number | The ID of the store. |
locale | string | The locales (languages) that are published in the store. |
logo | string | The logo URL of the store. |
mixed_wholesale | boolean | Returns true if the mixed wholesale mode is enabled, returns false if it's not. |
name | string | The name of the store. |
password_message | string | The password page message of the store. |
payment_settings | The payment settings of the store. | |
phone | string | The phone number of the store. |
secure_url | string | The full URL of the store, with an https protocol. |
symbol | string | The currency symbol of the store. If its value is nil , returns a nil . |
url | string | The full URL of the store. |
wholesale_enabled | boolean | Returns true if the wholesale mode is enabled, returns false if it's not. |
"address": "China",
"cdn_domain": "//",
"contactEmail": "",
"currency": "EUR",
"currency_code": "EUR",
"currency_symbol": "€",
"description": "",
"domain": "",
"email": "",
"finance_symbol": "€",
"enabled_payment_types": [],
"enabled_payment_resources": [],
"favicon": "",
"id": 166812,
"locale": "en-US",
"logo": "",
"mixed_wholesale": false,
"name": "Spring",
"password_message": "This store is password protected. Use the password to enter the store",
"payment_settings": {
"express_checkout_config": {
"express_account_infos": [],
"express_channels": [],
"express_theme_configs": []
"payment_resources": [],
"paypal_account": [],
"paypal_account_type": "merchant",
"paypal_creditcard_enabled": true,
"paypal_express_enabled": false,
"paypal_shipment_enabled": true,
"support_channels": [],
"paypal_js": ""
"phone": "416-123-1234",
"secure_url": "",
"symbol": "€",
"url": "",
"wholesale_enabled": false
Updated over 1 year ago