This reference lists the commands that you can use to build themes with Shoplazza CLI.

The commands in this group use the syntax shoplazza [topic] [command].

Command overview

Topic Command Description
theme init Clones a Git repository of the Nova 2023 to your local machine to use as the starting point for building a theme.
serve Uploads the current theme to a store so you can preview it.
list Lists the themes in your store.
pull Retrieves theme files from Shoplazza.
push Uploads your local theme files to Shoplazza, overwriting the remote theme if specified.
share Uploads your theme as a new, unpublished theme in your theme library.
publish Publishes an unpublished theme from your theme library.
package Packages your local theme files into a ZIP file that can be uploaded to Shoplazza.
delete Deletes a theme from your store.
none login Authenticates and logs you into the specified store with Shoplazza CLI.
logout Logs you out of your Shoplazza account.
switch Switches between stores without logging out and logging in again.
store Displays the store that you're currently connected to.
version Displays the version of Shoplazza CLI that you're running.
help Lists the available commands and describes what they do.


Clones a Git repository of the Nova 2023 to your local machine to use as the starting point for building a theme.

shoplazza theme init


Uploads the current theme as the specified theme, or a development theme, to a store so you can preview it.

This command returns the following information:

  • A preview link that you can share with other developers.
  • A link to the editor for the theme in the Shoplazza admin.

You can run this command only in a directory that matches the default Shoplazza theme folder structure.

shoplazza theme serve

serve flags

--theme <THEME_ID>The ID of the theme that you want to preview. If you don't use this flag, then the theme is previewed using a new or existing development theme.


Lists the themes in your store, along with their IDs and statuses.

shoplazzza theme list


Retrieves theme files from Shoplazza.

If no theme is specified, then you're prompted to select the theme to pull from the list of themes in your store.

shoplazza theme pull

pull flags

--theme <THEME_ID>The ID of the theme that you want to pull.


Uploads your local theme files to Shoplazza, overwriting the remote version if specified.

If no theme is specified, then you're prompted to select the theme to overwrite from the list of themes in your store.

You can run this command only in a directory that matches the default Shoplazza theme folder structure.

shoplazza theme push

push flags

--theme <THEME_ID>The ID of the theme that you want to overwrite.


Uploads your theme as a new, unpublished theme in your theme library. The theme is given a randomized name.

This command returns a preview link that you can share with others.

shoplazza theme share


Publishes an unpublished theme from your theme library.

If no theme ID is specified, then you're prompted to select the theme that you want to publish from the list of themes in your store.

You can run this command only in a directory that matches the default Shoplazza theme folder structure.

If you want to publish your local theme, then you need to run shoplazza theme push first. You're asked to confirm that you want to publish the specified theme.

shoplazza theme publish

publish flags

--theme <THEME_ID>The ID of the theme that you want to publish.


Packages your local theme files into a ZIP file that can be uploaded to Shoplazza.

All folders are included in the package.

The ZIP file uses the name, based on parameters in your settings_schema.json file.

shoplazza theme package


Deletes a theme from your store.

You can specify a theme by ID. If no theme is specified, then you're prompted to select the theme that you want to delete from the list of themes in your store.

You're asked to confirm that you want to delete the specified themes before they are deleted.

shoplazza theme delete

delete flags

--theme <THEME_ID>The ID of the theme that you want to delete.


Logs you in the Shoplazza account.

shoplazza login

login flags

Flag Description
--store <store>
The development store that you want to use to preview your theme.
The --store flag accepts the following inputs:
  • The store prefix, e.g.
  • The Shoplazza URL, e.g.


Logs you out of the Shoplazza account.

shoplazza logout


Switches between stores without logging out and logging in again.

If you enter this command without a --store flag, then you're prompted to select a store associated with your account.

shoplazza switch

switch flags

Flag Description
--store <store>
The development store that you want to use to switch your theme.
The --store flag accepts the following inputs:
  • The store prefix, e.g.
  • The Shoplazza URL, e.g.


Displays the store that you're currently connected to.

shoplazza store


Displays the version of Shoplazza CLI that you're running.

shoplazza version


Lists the available commands and describes what they do.

shoplazza help

TerminalYou can also use the help command or options to get more detailed information about a specific command:

shoplazza help [command]


shoplazza [command] --help


shoplazza [command] -h